Character creation

In the past few days, I worked on a tool that allows me to create characters with Limezu’s Modern asset pack. I need a quick way to create 150 different characters for the game.

Creating characters with Limezu modern assets pack.

Limezu’s Modern assets pack allows for the creation of an almost unlimited amount of characters. While it comes with a tool to create characters, it does not allow the creation of a bunch of characters at once. Furthermore, it makes all the different animations. For my game, I only need the standing and sitting sprites. If I need to create a unique NPC, for example, one that walks, I will program that one.

The code can be found in on my GitHub repositoru. It will first cut out the spirtes I need. Secondly, it will generate 150 random characters. In the last step, it will merge all the characters into one big file. In my case, the file is 377KB.

Using the file in Godot.

In Godot, I made an NPC scene and moved the file into the project. With the animation Frame Coords, It is possible to set the x value to the location left, right, up, down, sit, etc. The y value is used to select the NPC in the file.

The following code can be used to adjust the NPC.

extends StaticBody2D

class_name default_npc

enum LookDirection {Right = 0, Up = 1, Left = 2, Down = 3}
enum NPCState {Standing, SittingBig, SittingSmall }

@export var default_position : LookDirection = LookDirection.Down

@export var default_state : NPCState = NPCState.Standing
@export var npc_index: int = 0
@export var dialogue_resource: DialogueResource
@export var dialogue_start: String = "start"

var default_look_direction: Vector2 = Vector2(3,3)

@onready var actionable = $Actionable
@onready var npc_art : Sprite2D = $Sprite

func _ready():
	actionable.set_dialogue_resource(dialogue_resource, dialogue_start)

func updateSprite():
	default_look_direction.y = npc_index

	match default_state:
			default_look_direction.x = default_position
			if (default_position == LookDirection.Right):
				default_look_direction.x = 4
			if (default_position == LookDirection.Left):
				default_look_direction.x = 5
			if (default_position == LookDirection.Right):
				default_look_direction.x = 6
			if (default_position == LookDirection.Left):
				default_look_direction.x = 7


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